Market Update - November 2023



Market Update

The main theme in November was easing economic momentum and slowing inflation, as intended by the monetary policy tightening to date, leading some of the key global central banks to signal the potential end of rate hikes and interest rate markets moving to expect rate cuts in 2024.

Global share markets ended their 3-month slide with the best performing month of the year, while US bond yields experienced a huge reversal. After hitting 15-year highs in October, the key US 10-year rate moved down -0.60% to 4.32%. The shift in interest rates and associated easing in financial conditions propelled both bond prices and equity markets higher, with the S&P 500 up +8.9% in USD terms.

US economic data showed signs of softening, most importantly inflation, which fell more than expected from 3.7% to 3.2%. The Federal Reserve (Fed) left rates unchanged and signalled that data would be key to the future path of rates. The subsequent data over the month prompted some Fed speakers to acknowledge that interest rates may have peaked, with the Fed likely to remain on hold before cutting next year. The weaker data and ‘Fed speak’ prompted the interest rate market to price in over 4 cuts by the end of 2024.

In Europe, economic momentum continued to moderate, and inflation fell further than expected from 2.9% to 2.4%. This reading will be welcomed by the European Central Bank (ECB). Like the US Fed, the ECB is likely to hold rates steady before cutting next year, with interest rate markets pricing in almost 5 cuts by the end of 2024.

The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) increased rates by +0.25% to 4.35% in early November. The hike was widely anticipated by the market after the prior month’s higher than expected inflation number. The RBA retained a slightly hawkish bias, noting the future path of rates was data dependent. Since the meeting, data has been slightly weaker, and inflation fell further than expected to 4.9%. Interest rate markets expect the RBA to hold rates steady over the next year.

In New Zealand, data continued to moderate. The unemployment rate increased from 3.6% to 3.9% as expected. Food prices and inflation expectations fell. The Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) left the Official Cash Rate (OCR) unchanged at 5.50%, as anticipated. However, they surprised the market with a more hawkish outlook, increasing their future OCR forecast. The RBNZ now see a greater chance of another hike in 2024 (76% vs 36% in August). The bank also expects rates to be higher for longer, with rates at these levels until early 2025. The hawkish stance is somewhat at odds with the recent data and global central banks. The interest rate market had begun to pre-empt RBNZ cuts by pricing in over 2 cuts next year. It is possible that the RBNZ sought to reinforce that interest rates are not coming down any time soon for fear that lower rates could reignite inflation. They also noted their concern that non-tradable inflation in the service sector could prove to be sticky at levels above the target range.

Despite the more hawkish RBNZ, global interest rates set the tone for NZ rates. The 2-year rate decreased by -0.39%, whilst the 5-year rate (which is more affected by global rates) decreased by -0.56%. Given the RBNZ’s tough stance, interest rate markets have reduced their expectation of rate cuts next year. However, considering the global outlook and direction of local economic data, the market is still pricing in a cut by the end of 2024, earlier than the RBNZ expects.

The weaker US data, expectations of Fed cuts, hawkish RBNZ and positive risk tone drove the NZD up +5.67% over the month.

With economic data heading in the right direction for many central banks to be comfortable that further monetary tightening is not required, investors will be gauging the extent of the slow down, with hopes that a soft landing is possible

Market Update - December 2023


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Market Update

Global markets ended the year on a positive note as momentum in financial markets continued. The main theme remained resilient economic data and slowing inflation, culminating in the US Federal Reserve signalling more rate cuts for 2024 than expected.

Share markets continued to rise, while US bond yields continued to move lower with the US 10-year rate moving down -0.45% to 3.88%. The expectation of lower rates and associated easing in financial conditions drove both bond prices and equity markets higher, with the S&P 500 up +4.4% in USD terms.

US inflation slowed as expected, falling from 3.2%. to 3.1%. The Federal Reserve (Fed) left interest rates unchanged, but signaled a potential 0.75% of cuts in 2024, which is 0.5% more than they projected in the September meeting. The forecasts also showed that no Fed members expect any further rate rises. As always, the Fed pointed out that the path of rates is data dependant, but they are comfortable that their tightening has done enough to bring inflation back down.

US interest rate markets had already been expecting cuts in 2024, but the surprise move by the Fed to acknowledge that more cuts are possible this year gave the market comfort the Fed is about to start normalizing interest rates.

The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) followed the Fed’s lead and left rates unchanged at 4.35% after hiking in November. The hold was widely expected by markets. The RBA noted they are seeing encouraging signs that inflation is easing, and they are happy to wait and assess data as it comes. Interest rate markets expect the RBA to remain on hold for the first half of the year before cutting in June.

In New Zealand, data continued to suggest that the economy is slowing. GDP contracted by -0.3% between June and September 2023, representing a -0.6% decrease from the previous year. The annualized fall in GDP was much weaker than the 0.5% of growth expected by the market. This downside surprise is in line with the negative sentiment around the economy coming from the higher cost of living and pressure from rising interest rates. The result is even weaker when adjusted for population growth, which would put the annual contraction at -3.1%.

As a result, the market expects the RBNZ to start cutting rates by May with over 1% of cuts priced in over 2024. The market seems to be pushing back on the RBNZ’s reluctance to lower domestic interest rates with global inflation slowing, NZ GDP falling and other central banks signaling potential cuts in 2024.

The shifts in interest rate expectations saw the 2-year rate decrease by -0.57% and the 5-year (being more influenced by global rates) decrease by -0.68%.

The increased expectation of US Federal Reserve cuts drove the USD down, pushing the NZD up 2.66% over the month.

While easing inflation and resilient economic data may continue, markets already appear to be quite convinced that a soft landing can be achieved. Investors will be keenly watching the flow of data to assess how likely a soft landing really is.

Watch our Investment Update - December 2023 (video)


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Watch our Investment Update - December 2023 (video)

Watch our latest Investment Update video to hear Global Equities Research Analyst, Daniel Cloete, give us an update on the performance of the global markets at the end of 2023 and look into what we can expect in 2024.

Please tune in and let us know what you think.

December Investment Update.jpg

Some of the key takeouts from the video include:

  • The World Index went up 4.8% in December while the SP500 went up 4.4% after US Federal Reserve suggested that interest rates might decrease in 2024.
  • 2023 was a good example of why it’s important to stay the course even when things look tough. The World Index increased 22% after falling 19% in 2022, despite widespread predictions of a global recession – the lesson is that global markets can rebound quickly!

  • Markets are still debating whether there will be a hard landing or a soft landing.

  • Our portfolios are positioned to respond to either hard landing or soft landing scenarios because we have the tools ready to deploy in either situation.

  • December inflation data for the US was a little higher than expected, but global markets shrugged this off and remain very close to achieving all-time highs.

Market Update - January 2024


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Market Update

Global markets had a relatively slow start to the year, tracking sideways for the first half of January as investors digested economic data but then picked up momentum in the second half. Equity markets saw decent gains, with the S&P500 index up +1.6% in USD terms, while US bond yields had a round trip after initially climbing higher, with the US 10-year rate moving up just +0.03% to 3.91%. 

US economic data was stronger than expected, signalling a resilient economy. Inflation unexpectedly increased in December, which drove interest rates higher as investors reduced the magnitude of interest rate cuts expected this year.

The US Federal Reserve (Fed) left interest rates unchanged, acknowledging they have seen encouraging signs that inflation is under control, but indicating a reluctance to declare victory for the time being. Like many central banks, they are concerned that core inflation (e.g. from services) is proving stickier than hoped. The Fed Chairman poured cold water on the idea of an interest rate cut as early as March, as they wait for more data to gain confidence that inflation will continue to move back to target. The interest rate market remains well ahead of the last Fed projections, pricing in 5 cuts.  

Australian economic data continued to deteriorate, with employment and inflation data both falling more than expected. This gave interest rate markets comfort that the Reserve Bank of Australia has completed its hiking cycle and will be looking to ease rates later this year.

In New Zealand, headline inflation fell from 5.6% to 4.7% as expected by the market, but by more than the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) had forecast. However, in the details, the decline was mainly driven by falls in tradeable inflation. Non-tradeable inflation was stronger than expected and will be a concern to the RBNZ who are worried that domestic service driven inflation is not coming down as quickly as they would like.

A speech by the RBNZ’s Chief Economist late in the month reiterated that the RBNZ remains comfortable with current monetary policy settings. Until they are more confident that inflation, especially domestic non-tradable inflation, is heading back toward the target band they are unlikely to begin cutting rates.

Interest rate markets still expect the RBNZ to cut rates over 3 times this year, which is at odds with RBNZ’s, admittedly old, November forecasts of no cuts in 2024. The central bank will meet at the end of February and will provide the market with a new set of forecasts incorporating the new data received. 

The stronger than expected non-tradable inflation data pushed rates higher. The 2-year rate moved up +0.1% and the 5-year up +0.19%.

The resilient US data and the interest rate market’s reduction in Fed cut expectations saw the USD appreciate, pushing the NZD down -3.2% over the month.

Markets are confident that the US economy in particular remains resilient. However, while inflation continues to ease, central banks have shown concern that core measures may be difficult to get back into range. Investors will be keenly watching data with the hope that they can gain confidence of their expectations that there will be multiple interest rate cuts this year.

Watch our Investment Update - January 2024 (video)


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Watch our Investment Update - January 2024 (video)

Watch our latest Investment Update video to hear our Fixed Income Portfolio Manager, Ayrton Oliver, give us an update on the bond market and his predictions on where interest and mortgage rates are heading in 2024. January's update was hosted by our adviser Stephanie Whittaker.

Please tune in and let us know what you think.

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Some of the key takeouts from the video include:

  • After a volatile 2023, interest rate markets have now made up their mind that central banks have done enough to tame inflation and that interest rates are coming back down – but volatility will remain as new economic data comes in.
  • Inflation is the key data point; central banks need to see this come back to target. Employment is also important as it can lead to inflation via wages, especially in services which are currently a focus of central banks.
    Data this year has been resilient, the US economy appears healthy with data beating expectations. Inflation has been falling, but not fast enough for the Federal Reserve to declare victory yet. In New Zealand inflation has also fallen, but the domestic driven component remains a concern for the RBNZ. Employment data has been stronger than expected, driving wage increases. We are not expecting any rate cuts just yet.
  • Global interest rate markets have got a little bit ahead of themselves, pricing in the expectation of multiple rate cuts this year, more than central banks have alluded to. In response to the stronger data, there is a risk that we see central banks cut rates later than currently expected.
  • The end of the hiking cycle will be welcomed news for bonds, mortgage rates and equities, but given markets are already factoring in cuts it might be a while until we see further moves lower in interest rates.
  • Any changes to the resilient economic outlook, such as a financial or geo-political shock, or the consumer slowing more than expected could mean interest rates need to be cut sooner and deeper than currently forecast, a positive for bonds but this could weigh on equities.


Market Update - February 2024


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Market Update

Equity markets saw strong gains in February, with the MSCI World index up 4.3% in USD terms. US bond yields also moved higher, with the US 10-year rate rising by 0.34% to 4.25%.  

US manufacturing and employment data was better than expected, signalling that the US economy remains resilient. Inflation was also higher than expected, which reduced expectations for cuts from the Federal Reserve and pushed US interest rates higher. 

In Australia, a larger-than-expected drop in employment and inflation indicated that the economy is slowing down. As a result, the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) left rates unchanged. Markets are now confident the RBA will try to ease rates in second half of 2024. 

In New Zealand, employment data was stronger-than-expected, with the unemployment rate only increasing 0.1% to 4.0% compared to the expected 4.3%. This strong employment data, coupled with a lower-than-expected drop in inflation expectations, meant a few market participants expected the RBNZ to hike interest rates in February. On the other hand, retail sales were down -6.7% compared to the same time last year after adjusting for net migration, suggesting the NZ economy is also slowing under the pressure of high interest rates. 

In the end the RBNZ left the OCR unchanged at 5.50%, as expected by the broader market. In fact, not only did the RBNZ not hike the OCR, but it lowered their expected OCR path by 0.1%. The RBNZ appears to be happy with the progress on inflation to date and may be concerned about the current economic outlook. The RBNZ expects to keep the OCR unchanged this year before cutting next year. The market thinks cuts will happen sooner and is pricing in two OCR cuts later this year.

Domestic rates initially fell -0.25% after the RBNZ announcement, but still ended the month higher. The NZ 2-year and 5-year rates rose by 0.25% and 0.20% in February, respectively.

The prospect of lower interest rates in New Zealand later this year weighed slightly on the NZD, which ended down -0.5% in February. 

Markets are confident that the favourable US economic conditions can continue to support equities. However, there are concerns that inflation may remain stickier than expected, which could keep interest rates higher for longer. 

Watch our Investment Update - February 2024 (video)


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Watch our Investment Update - February 2024 (video)

Watch our latest Investment Update video to hear our Global Equities Research Analyst, Natalia Plamadeala, gives us an update on the reporting season and some of the standout performances they saw in February. February’s update was hosted by our adviser Stephanie Whittaker.

Please tune in and let us know what you think.

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Some of the key takeouts from the video include:

  • February witnessed robust growth in global equities, with significant gains across international equity indices, particularly in Japanese and US markets.

  • US equities reached all-time highs, driven by a strong earnings reporting season, indicating potential resilience in the US economy and alleviating concerns about macroeconomic headwinds.
  • Technology-related stocks, notably Meta and Nvidia, stood out during the earnings season, surpassing market expectations and contributing significantly to market performance.
  • While there are concerns about elevated market valuations and the sustainability of the current market rally, factors such as strong corporate earnings, resilience in the US economy, and broad-based market strength suggest a potential for continued growth, albeit with fluctuations.


Market Update - March 2024


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Market Update

Global markets continued to rally in March. Equity markets saw healthy gains, with the S&P500 index up +3.1% in USD terms, while US bond yields moved slightly lower, with the US 10-year rate moving down -0.05% to 4.20%. 

Global markets are growing more optimistic of a “soft landing” as US economic resilience continues. US inflation was slightly higher than expected, prompting interest rate markets to taper expectations for interest rate cuts this year. 

The Federal Reserve held their benchmark rate unchanged, and in a dovish surprise continued to signal 0.75% of cuts this year. They raised their projection for the rate at the end of 2025, indicating that higher rates may be needed for longer to tame inflation. The Fed repeated their message that they are looking for more evidence before they decide to cut. Interest rate markets retraced earlier moves higher on the slightly more dovish outlook, with the first cut now expected by July this year. Equities benefited from the prospect of eventual interest rate cuts.

Australia continued to show robust job growth, with the jobless rate surprisingly dropping to 3.7% from 4.1%. Despite the risk of higher wages from the tight labour market, CPI inflation stayed steady at 3.4%, which would have been welcome news for the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA). The RBA are still waiting for more data before changing their policy, with interest rate markets predicting the first reduction by September this year.

New Zealand has re-entered a recession, as GDP in the 4th Quarter of 2023 fell by -0.1%, after a drop of -0.3% in the previous quarter. This was below forecasts and highlights the ongoing slowdown of the NZ economy. The situation is even worse when we consider the very high population growth driven by net-migration, with GDP per capita down -3.1% over the year. The market now believes that the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) has stopped raising rates, with expectations for the first cut in August this year.

The weak GDP data and late month move lower in global interest rates pushed NZ rates lower. The 2-year rate ended the month down 20 basis points and the 5-year rate was down 18 basis points.

The disappointing NZ data and move lower in NZ interest rates drove the NZD down -1.9%.

Incoming data is still the main focus of global markets as they try to assess if central banks will have room to lower rates this year. After the solid gains in stocks so far, investors are getting more wary of any signs of higher for longer interest rates and an increase in geopolitical risks. 

Watch our Investment Update - March 2024 (video)


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Watch our Investment Update - March 2024 (video)

Watch our latest Investment Update video to hear our Global Equities Portfolio Manager, Nathan Field, give us an update on the Thematic fund, how AI is impacting investments and if the US election will have any impact on markets. This months investment update was hosted by Generate adviser, Stephanie Whittaker. 

Please tune in and let us know what you think.

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Some of the key takeouts from the video include:

  • Many of the themes that worked in 2023 should still work in 2024 such as the growth of artificial intelligence and obesity drugs.

  • Maturing cloud platforms is a new theme that focuses on great products that are growing into great businesses – such as Uber, Netflix, and Spotify.

  • A fall in US consumer spending is the biggest risk to equity markets in 2024

  • Falling fertility rates in the West and population declines are trends to keep an eye on.

  • The US election poses less risk this cycle because the two candidates are well known.


Market Update - April 2024


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Market Update

Global markets fell back in April after a strong start to the year. The S&P500 index declined -4.2% in USD terms, while US bond yields moved higher, with the 10-year treasury rate rising 0.48% to 4.72%. 

There is concern in markets that inflation is stubbornly remaining above central bank targets whilst economic growth is becoming sluggish. This means that the global economy may be in a state of stagflation - a scenario characterised by low growth and high inflation, and a difficult situation for central banks to navigate. The threat of stagflation reduced the likelihood of rate cuts this year and dampened risk appetites across markets.  

Data from the US revealed that labour markets remain resilient, raising questions about how the US Federal Reserve will respond. Markets subsequently revised their expectations, and now anticipate that the Fed will only cut interest rates once this year. These new expectations caused interest rates to rise, and equities to fall. Lower-than-expected GDP growth also put pressure on equities.  

In Australia, inflationary pressures continue to weigh on the Reserve Bank of Australia. Australian inflation was reported at 3.6% for the first quarter of 2024, lower than 4.1% in the previous quarter, but above the 3.5% forecast. This led to a significant adjustment of interest rate expectations - the Australian market now sees a 50% possibility of another rate hike this year with no chance of an interest rate cut before 2025. 

New Zealand's economic data, on the other hand, was mixed in April. Inflation was down from 4.7% to 4.0% and in line with forecasts. However, the breakdown showed that non-tradables inflation in fact increased. Higher non-tradables inflation reflects ongoing inflationary pressure in the domestic economy and could mean the RBNZ will maintain rates at current levels forlonger.  

However, business confidence dropped further, indicating a challenging economic outlook. NZ employment data also came in weaker than expected. Employment growth slowing to 0.2% compared to the anticipated 0.3% growth, while the unemployment rate climbed to 4.3%. This employment data is favourable for the RBNZ because it eases the pressure on wage growth and inflation.  

Rising global interest rates pushed NZ rates higher, but to a lesser extent than our global peers due to our weaker domestic data. The domestic 2-year interest rate increased by +0.34% and the 5-year rose by +0.42%.  Stronger US data, risk aversion by investors, and weaker NZ data pushed the NZD down -1.4% over the month.  

Markets continue to focus on macro-economic data to assess when central banks will be able to ease their restrictive monetary policy.  

Watch our Investment Update - April 2024 (video)


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Watch our Investment Update - April 2024 (video)

Watch our latest Investment Update video to hear our Portfolio Manager, Ayrton Oliver, give us an update on the fixed income fund, macroeconomic data and the impact on the markets and if New Zealand is following the trends they see in the US and Australia.

Please tune in and let us know what you think.

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Some of the key takeouts from the video include:

  • Global markets are closely watching macro-economic data. Inflation was high and growth was low in April, making markets fear that interest rates will remain high and raised the risk of stagflation (low growth and high inflation).

  • The US saw higher inflation that lowered the chances of Federal Reserve rate reductions this year and Economic growth (GDP) was slower than expected. This led to drops in bond and equity markets. But later, employment data was weaker and the Federal reserve seemed less worried about inflation, reversing some of the losses.

  • In Australia, inflation exceeded expectations, leading interest rate markets to rule out rate cuts this year and anticipate potential rate increases. New Zealand inflation was largely in line with forecasts, but some domestic prices pressures raised worries. Unemployment went up and economic sentiment worsened.

  • Some important events to watch out for are US inflation data, Australian employment and the RBNZ meeting.


Market Update - May 2024


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Market Update

Global markets resumed their upward trend in May, boosted by optimism about easing inflation and a resilient economy. Stock markets rose, with the S&P500 index increasing +4.8% in USD terms and the Nasdaq, which has more technology stocks, rising +6.3%. Bonds also advanced as interest rates dropped, with the US 10-year rate declining -0.18% to 4.50%.

As anticipated, the US Federal Reserve (Fed) did not alter the Fed Funds Rate. The Fed is still concerned about getting inflation back to 2% but believes that the next change in rates will be lower.

US data was encouraging for taming inflation. Job growth was a bit weaker than forecast with slower wage rises. Inflation measures kept easing, and economic activity signs all showed a cooling economy, which will hopefully result in further disinflation. Interest rate markets anticipate the Fed to start reducing rates by November.

The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) kept rates steady and repeated their neutral position. Australian economic data has revealed some worrisome signs of stagflation, with employment, consumer and construction activity weakening more than anticipated while CPI inflation unexpectedly rose. Markets do not anticipate the RBA to have room to cut rates this year. 

New Zealand's economic indicators keep worsening. Unemployment increased more than forecast, business and consumer confidence declined further, and construction activity dropped. The positive news is that inflation expectations also eased.

As anticipated, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) kept rates steady, but they signalled a more hawkish stance, pointing out the dangers of domestic non-tradable inflation being more persistent than expected. They repeated that they do not foresee reducing the OCR until the latter half of 2025. 

NZ rates fell along with global interest rates, but the RBNZ's less dovish stance kept shorter-term rates from dropping materially. 2-year interest rates decreased by -0.04% and 5-year by -0.10%.

The NZD had a very strong month, boosted by the cooling US economic data, positive risk sentiment and the RBNZ's more hawkish outlook. It rose +4.3% against the USD and +1.5% against the AUD.

Some important economic events coming up in June are the US CPI print, the Fed meeting and the NZ GDP release. Investors will be looking at the data for clues on the timing for when central banks can start cutting interest rates. 

Watch our Investment Update - June 2024 (video)


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Watch our Investment Update - June 2024 (video)

Watch our latest investment update to hear our Chief Investment Officer and Generate Co-Founder, Sam Goldwater, give us the intel on our investments in private assets, the private equity and venture capital we invest in, and why we invest in NZ Inc.

This month's update was hosted by our Head of Distribution, Kristian James.

Click here to watch

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Market Update - June 2024


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Market Update

Global markets continued to rally in June as the US economy remained resilient and global inflation moderated. The S&P500 index rose 3.5% in USD terms, and the technology-oriented Nasdaq climbed 6.2%. Bonds also delivered positive returns as interest rates fell with the US 10-year rate decreasing -0.1% to 4.45%.  

Economic data from US manufacturing and services sectors showed signs of optimism with job creation exceeding expectations and inflation falling. The improved economic data boosted investors’ confidence in the US economy’s growth potential while lower-than-expected inflation raised hopes that the Federal reserve will begin cutting interest rates later this year.  

For the moment though, the Federal Reserve left interest rates unchanged in June, which came as no surprise to the markets. At the same time, Federal Reserve members lowered their expected interest rate cuts to only one -0.25% cut this year - down from the three cuts expected at the beginning of the year. However, Federal Reserve members simultaneously raised their expectations for cuts in 2025 and are now projecting up to -1% worth of interest rate cuts next year. This ‘higher for longer’ stance is a reaction to the improved economic outlook and an inflation level that, despite growing more slowly than last year, remains above target. Ultimately, inflation data is still moving in the right direction and interest rate relief is expected before the end of the year.  

There was no change in the Reserve Bank of Australia’s (RBA) stance in June due to a worrying rise in CPI inflation to 4% from 3.6%. Australia’s higher-than-expected inflation has led investors to consider the possibility that the RBA may have to raise interest rates again soon. Despite this, the Australian economy continues to show signs of strength, which may be contributing to their sticky inflation. 

New Zealand's economy worsened with domestic manufacturing and service surveys hitting lows not seen since the COVID pandemic. Households faced more pressure in June and consumer confidence dropped. The economy grew 0.3% in the first quarter, slightly above estimates, but this is still negative on a per capita basis. The economy will likely continue to struggle over the next few quarters.    

NZ rates fell faster than global peers in June due to the deteriorating outlook in domestic economic conditions. Two-year interest rates decreased by -0.14% and five-year rates decreased by -0.16%. The NZD weakened -0.83% against the USD over the month, driven by a stronger USD and weak NZ economic data.  

Key events to watch in July include the RBNZ meeting, NZ and US CPI (inflation) data, and Australian employment. 


Watch our Investment Update - July 2024 (video)


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Watch our Investment Update - July 2024 (video)

Watch this month's investment update with Daniel Cloete, Global Equities Research Analyst, to hear why AI stocks are outperforming expectations.


Discover the dual dynamics of hardware demand and elusive software leadership, and why top tech giants are betting big on AI with a $50B boost. We also look into the success stories of Nvidia and TSMC, which are key players in our global portfolios.


This Investment Update was hosted by Marc Grigg, Business Development Manager at Generate.


Click here to watch

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